Potatomato Casserole
1:00:00 PM
Have you ever heard about pomato? Or tomtato? Guess what, it's a plant with tomatoes on top and potatoes in the soil. How is it even possible? Well, tomatoes and potatoes come from the same plant family. They're both nightshades or solanaceae in latin. The pomato or the tomtato is not a natural plant. Human hands make an opening in the stem of both tomato and potato plants and put them together so they can grow together. I've never seen such a plant before but I would like to try to make a pomato plant. That's only if I have a garden...
Serves: 3 persons
- 1 kg pealed potatoes
- 2 paprika's (red or yellow)
- 500g minced meat
- 1 onion
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 80g butter (50 + 30)
- 1 big spoon of white flour
- 1/2 cup of milk
- 1 egg yolk
- salt
- pepper
- nutmeg
- 150g grated cheese
- a casserole

This is how you prepare the potatomato Casserole:
- Peal the potatoes, if not pealed yet, and chop them in small pieces. Let cook with a pinch of salt until ready to be mashed.
- Chop the onion. Melt 50g of butter and let the onions simmer. Add the minced meat and seaon with salt and pepper. Fry it for 5 minutes. Add the spoon of white flour. Pour over the can diced tomatoes. Chop the paprika and add.
- Turn on the oven on 200°C
- While you let the meat and sauce cook for 10-15min, start mashing the potatoes. Add the egg yolk, milk and 30 g melted butter. Mix it and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- Take the sauce and meat in a casserole. Add the mashed potatoes with the grated cheese on top. Put it in the oven for approximately 20 minutes until it gets a nice lightbrown cheese rind. Enjoy!
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